Game Intro - Battlezone - Classic PC Game (Activision Atari)

Battlezone PC
One of the best games for your PC during the 1990's.

Activision took Atari's classic arcade game from 1980 and updated it in spectacular fashion in 1998.

The original Battlezone was a landmark in vector graphics gaming and Activision created a fine blend of arcade action and strategy that stands as a landmark in PC gaming.

Battlezone PC

The opening sequence was of very high quality and really set the scene for how the game would be played.

As you skimmed along the surface of the moon and took out the bad guys you just knew you were in for a real gaming treat.

As the sneak attack on your lunar base unfolded - you just could not wait to get into the action.

Battlezone is fondly remembered by PC Gamers, and the intro to this game really got you in the 'zone'. Ahem.

Classic Games, Arcade Games and PC Games


  1. amazing! loved this game! Why they have not made a game like this in recent years idk strategy and a first person shooter rolled into one

  2. The game did not do as well as expected. I almost did not buy it due to the very poor packaging which showed the old wireframe graphics. When someone finally said "just buy it you'll love it" I did and they were right. It was truly amazing and one of the best games I ever played.

  3. I agree, I would give anything for another game in this series. This series introduced a totally unique game type in my opinion -- a combination of turret defense, RTS, and FPS. Battlezone 2 was just as good.

